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Googlen innovaatiojohtajan Innovation Jam Novetoksen asiakkaille

May 13th 8.30 – 12 Laatukeskus premises, Keilaranta 12, Espoo

What makes Google innovation culture unique? Join us experiencing what makes an efficient Innovation Culture and to sample some methods to boost your company’s innovation efficiency to new levels.

Facilitator: DR. Frederik G. Pferdt

Dr. Frederik G. Pferdt is Head of Innovation & Creativity Programs at Google. He leads a talented team which catalyzes 10x thinking at Google by building a thriving innovation culture and trains people on how to build a better future through technology, fast.

Frederik is cofounder of “The Garage”, Google’s hacker/designer/maker space and runs its Creative Skills for Innovation Lab. As a Lecturer at Stanford University, he feels lucky to see students being empowered through user centered, prototype driven design so that they can do cool things that matter in the world. He was nominated as a visiting scholar at the Center for Design Research, Stanford University and research scholar at EdLab, Columbia University. As the founder of LearningDesign:Lab, he created award winning design experiments for various groups  from kindergartners, to teachers, to CEOs.

His creative views on innovation culture, leadership and future technology have earned him invitations to transform an array of organizations and were featured in FastCompany, Time Magazine, Tekniikka & Talous, The Telegraph, Oggi, ARD TV, Der Spiegel, BBC Radio, El Mercurio, Hong Kong Economic Times, Oggi, Oriental Daily News. He currently lives in Silicon Valley with his wife and two sons, and draws inspiration from his boys’ childish minds and playfulness.

Price 490€ + VAT. Limited number of seats, register now.

Event is organized in co-operation with Laatukeskus.

Mikä tekee Googlen innovaatiokulttuurista ainutlaatuisen? Tule kokemaan paikan päälle, mistä innovatiivisuutta tukeva kulttuuri koostuu sekä kokeilemaan itse menetelmiä, joilla voit tehostaa innovatiivisuutta.

Dr. Frederik G. Pferdt on Googlen Head of Innovation & Creativity Programs. Hän johtaa taidokasta tiimiä jonka toiminnan katalysaattorina toimivan 10x –ajattelun perusteella rakennetaan kukoistavaa innovaatiokulttuuria sekä koulutetaan ihmisiä rakentamaan parempaa tulevaisuutta teknologian avulla, nopeasti.

Hänen luovat näkemyksensä innovaatiokulttuurista, johtamisesta ja tulevaisuuden teknologiasta on saavuttaneet suosiota useissa organisaatioissa, joihin häntä on kutsuttu toteuttamaan uudistusprosesseja.

Tapahtuma on englanninkielinen.

Hinta 490€ + ALV. Paikkoja rajoitetusti, ilmoittaudu nyt.

Tapahtuma järjestetään yhteistyössä Laatukeskuksen kanssa.

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